Tag Archives: nuclear physics

Physics for the Future

Find out what matters most in the field of physics today with the latest titles in physics research and technology from the National Academy of Sciences. Whether you want to engage students in deeper learning, meet academic and professional challenges, advance your career, or aid in policy decisions, these reports provide the most authoritative and reliable advice, solutions, and information in the field.



Solar and Space Physics

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Solar and Space Physics: A Science for a Technological Society454 pages | Paperback | Price: $60.30From the interior of the Sun, to the upper atmosphere and near-space environment of Earth, and outward to a region far beyond Pluto where the Sun’s influence wanes, advances during the past decade in space physics and solar physics–the disciplines NASA… [more]
Nuclear Physics

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Nuclear Physics: Exploring the Heart of Matter259 pages | Paperback | Price: $57.60The principal goals of the study were to articulate the scientific rationale and objectives of the field and then to take a long-term strategic view of U.S. nuclear science in the global context for setting future directions for the field. Nuclear Physics:… [more]
Research for a Future in Space

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Research for a Future in Space: The Role of Life and Physical Sciences32 pages | Paperback | Price: $0.90During its more than 50-year history, NASA’s success in human space exploration has depended on the agency’s ability to effectively address a wide range of biomedical, engineering, physical sciences, and related obstacles. This achievement is made possible by… [more]
Recapturing a Future for Space Exploration

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Recapturing a Future for Space Exploration: Life and Physical Sciences Research for a New Era442 pages | Paperback | Price: $77.17More than four decades have passed since a human first set foot on the Moon. Great strides have been made in our understanding of what is required to support an enduring human presence in space, as evidenced by progressively more advanced orbiting human… [more]
Research at the Intersection of the Physical and Life Sciences

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Research at the Intersection of the Physical and Life Sciences124 pages | Paperback | Price: $28.80Traditionally, the natural sciences have been divided into two branches: the biological sciences and the physical sciences. Today, an increasing number of scientists are addressing problems lying at the intersection of the two. These problems are most often… [more]
Condensed-Matter and Materials Physics

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Condensed-Matter and Materials Physics: The Science of the World Around Us284 pages | Paperback | Price: $46.80The development of transistors, the integrated circuit, liquid-crystal displays, and even DVD players can be traced back to fundamental research pioneered in the field of condensed-matter and materials physics (CMPP). The United States has been a leader in the… [more]