What’s New? Announcing the Improved “New Titles From NAP” Page

There are thousands of National Academies reports to browse on nap.edu, and more publications are being added all the time. In 2012, we published an average of six new books a week on dozens of science topics. We offer an email list and RSS feed to keep up with what’s new, but did you know that we have a single page that lists all the new reports added to the website in the last 30 days? Frankly, we haven’t called a lot of attention to it because it hasn’t been much to look at. Until today.

We’ve given that page–New Titles from the National Academies Press–a complete makeover. Now, you can check out what’s new on nap.edu at a glance. Some of the improvements on our new “New” page:

  • Download, read, or add to cart with one click. Want to learn more about the book first? Click on the cover or the title to look at the book’s catalog page, where you can read the full description, the table of contents, and other info about the book.
  • Sorted by date. Our previous page listed the last 30 days of releases in alphabetical order. Now, books are listed in the order they’re released, with the newest books appearing at the top the very moment they’re available online. Also, you can see that release date right below the cover.
  • Prepublication or final book? Did you know that many of our books get released twice? When the National Academies issues a new report, we often post a “prepublication version” to make those findings public immediately. Later, after the content and design are finalized, we put the finished book online in its place. Now, you can see whether the book we have online is a “prepub,” as we call it here, or the final version. Titles that are released in this way will appear on the “New” page both times–so you’ll know when your favorite new report “goes final” as soon as it happens.

If that page doesn’t turn up a report that interests you, use our search box at the top of the page, which we’ve moved over to the right side of the header and made a little bigger.

What do you think? Send us your thoughts on the New Titles page or anything else that you’d like to see on nap.edu.